Hey everyone!! Lindsey here and I am happy to report that I am on SPRING BREAK!!! If you aren’t on spring break you may not be as happy as me, BUT I am having a wonderful week. We are linking up with Kacey from Doodlebugs Teaching for a little Five for Friday, which is all about my spring break:)

Let’s get this kicked off with last Sunday:) We had a wonderful Easter. Usually holidays are not very fun for me…We’ve got two small kiddos who nap and running around from house to house makes for cranky kiddos. This year, I am happy to report, that the kiddos had a really good day. We made it through church and two grandparent’s houses with minimal meltdowns.

Let’s move on to Tuesday:) On Tuesday we went to the Seattle Aquarium. We go to the zoo a lot but we don’t visit the aquarium that much. It’s in downtown Seattle and we aren’t really “city” people. We may get a little cranky when it comes to navigating through that many people…so this was more of our yearly visit:)

Also on Tuesday, we went to IKEA. It was a busy day for us:)

See…on our way to the aquarium my mom told us she needs to get a crib so my kiddos could spend the night. Now, since my son was born he hasn’t spent a night away from us…he wasn’t a very good sleeper. WELL…when my mom said she wanted to take BOTH kiddos overnight…you bet your uncle we went straight to IKEA and got the crib. Then we had to make it fit in the car…

He was okay with being squished… the idea of a kiddo free night made it worth it 🙂

On to Thursday…

I remember the day of kids and holidays and HYPE! Now my eldest is graduating with an engineering degree and heading your way to Boeing! I'll be checking out the old Seattle aquarium and zoo in upcoming visits, too, I bet… though I sure wish she wasn't going to be so far away 🙁 Glad to hear there's an IKEA out there, though. See you around. Kathleen
Kidpeople Classroom
Seattle really is a cool place…at least you will have cool stuff to see:) Sorry it's so far away! That's a bummer. My brother moved to Texas and it's hard to have him so far away:( Boeing is a good place to work though!
Hi Lindsey,
Looks like a fun week! How exciting that you are looking forward to kid-free nights! I didn't know that Tyson wasn't the best sleeper. I'm looking forward to Vegas for my kid-free nights, ha ha! We're at the 60 day mark!!! Can't wait!
Joya 🙂
He didn't sleep through the night until around Christmas time. It was partly our fault. He never takes naps at my parents so he's never spent the night there until last night. He did awesome! Went right to sleep and slept all night:) I can't wait until Vegas!!!!!!
I can so relate to holidays not being much fun with little kids who get their naps messed up. And it drives me nuts when other people don't get it. My husband and I just keep saying my siblings will understand once they have kids. I feel like the crazy lady who schedules everything around naptime but when they don't nap well, they are off for several days it seems. It is amazing how one day can throw off a week. Totally feeling your pain!!! I'm glad your Easter was good and the kids were troopers. Have a great weekend!
Sara J Creations
We feel the same way! It's so hard to schedule everything! We hear a lot of "oh well I know you have the kids…but we sure hope you can come by…" GUILT!!! I guess they are growing up enough to make it through the crazy days! Luckily Easter was the beginning of our spring break so we could bounce back from the out of whack schedule! Have a great week!
Looks like a fabulous week! I remember those years well where holidays were so hectic and crazy. You want everything to be so perfect with perfect memories- and the stress just about does you in! Then, when you look back, the days you remember are the seemingly insignificant ones where you did some silly, unplanned thing- and it was perfect! 🙂
It always surprises me how well the kiddos end up handling the hectic schedule! Until the next day…that's when they get cranky! We always manage to make it through:) We need to enjoy it because before we know it they will be grown up and gone:( Have a great week!