Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope your week is going well! Do you know how many weeks it is until school is out for the summer? Well….I haven’t wanted to count yet, but I can tell that it can’t be that far away, because even the sweetest kiddles seem to have forgotten how to be kind to each other. Seems to happen every year around this time…you know….Spring Fever? What to do? What to do? I think it’s time for a readaloud to the rescue! Here’s a new book that is just the ticket….especially for K-3. It’s called “Stick and Stone” by Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld.

It is the sweetest story about how Stick comes to Stone’s rescue when Pinecone bullies him. “Stick and Stone stick up for each other because friends rock!” Such a great story to remind your littles about being kind and being good friends. And if you’d like more ideas to go with it, including printable friendship bracelets, you can go to this link for the publisher’s extras for this book!
Easy peasy and a great lesson and reminder about being a good friend. Hope it makes the journey to summer vacation a little easier for you.
Have a great week everyone, and Happy Reading!