Hey everyone! Lindsey here and I am linking up with Farley for January’s Currently linky party:)

While my kiddos are winding down for bed they like to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Who doesn’t like the hot dog dance??? I think that they are going to be super excited to go to Disneyland next year and see all the characters from the show…and of course the princesses!
I LOVE being home with my kiddos and hubby on this break. I was very lucky that my husband took vacation too so we both got to be home. It was such a great time to just re-charge and do things as a family:)
As this vacation winds down I am starting to think about all the things I should be doing to get ready for next week. Don’t you hate that? I still have a few days but I guess my brain has different ideas. Luckily, I got most everything done before break but I am planning to start my differentiated centers when we come back and there is still a few things I need to do to be ready for those. Laminate. Cut. Repeat.
I was feeling pretty good before Christmas about my organization. I cleaned out 4 tubs of toys and I thought we would be good to go. Then came Christmas. Now it seems we have NO SPACE! Back to the organization drawing board. Do you think I can get it done before Monday???? Let’s hope!!
I’ve done it again. I’ve been staying up WAY to late and sleeping in WAY too long! Now I am all off my schedule and even worse…my kids are too. Now we all have to work to get back to a regular schedule before Monday. Wish us luck. I fear I will be paying for it come next week:(
Every year I set a goal for myself to be more active then I was the year before. I usually am good until about September. Then I am EXHAUSTED. I am excited to use Xbox Fit to help me reach this goal. I also am going to try to give up caffeine. Wait. I don’t mean give up. Like forever? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We have an on/off relationship and I think it is time to break up for awhile. I usually try to clean it out of my system for a few months and I am ready to do that now. Get a clean start:)
I wish for one more week. An extra day? A late start?
There’s no snow in the forecast.
Head over to Farley’s blog to catch up with all the other currently’s:)
I hope everyone is having a great New Year! Here’s to hoping your new year has a smooth start!!
Who doesn't love the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? There have been times in my household where Micky Mouse Clubhouse is on and the kids are in bed. 🙂 I hear you, I totally wish there was another week of holidays! Have the school dreams started yet? Mine started three days ago!!! I have no idea why! I enjoyed reading your post.
Emmy Mac's Class
I hate school dreams. Luckily mine have been holding off. Doesn't that just stink?!?! I am NOT ready to think about that yet!!! Three more days…:)
I have a lot of the same things on mine! I need to get organized also!! Toys is a huge problem at our house too. We got one child's room together and now I need to do the other one.
Also, I didn't even think about the sleep schedule…but mine is crazy too!
I love your cute blog! I'm your newest follower!
Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
Thank you!! I think that these toys multiple in my sleep!
I've spent my time off with my nieces and have listened to Mickey's Hot Dog Dance everyday, several times a day. I could go for more time off also, but would probably spend most of it thinking about school. Good luck with the caffeine cleanse!
First Grade a la Carte