It’s Lindsey, hopping on the blog tonight to tell you about what is happening in my class this week.
Have I mentioned lately that spiders freak me out???? Seriously, they are second on the list to sharks of the things I avoid. The difference is, sharks are easy to avoid…spiders, not so much. Maybe I should move them to number one? You know the other night there was one ABOVE my bed! Seriously, it was HUGE! I am sure I heard it whisper, “Lindsey, I am going to kill you in your sleep.” No thanks spider…which brings me to what we are learning about now…SPIDERS! I know! Yuck! But the kiddos love it. To be honest…I think they love reading all the spider books and finding creepy pictures and then yelling, “Hey Mrs. Sanchez, look at this!” Before shoving an extra creepy spider picture in my face just so I will yell “EWWWW!” At least they are interested in the topic right????
First thing, I hit the library. Here is our selection…

This week I went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch with my daughter’s pre-K class on the day we started spiders, BUT I am super lucky because my sister-in-law is a substitute teacher! She comes and fills in for me so I know that I don’t have to worry about the kiddos learning!

This is what they worked on while I was gone. Along with reading a spider book. They were VERY excited to tell me that spiders only have 2 body parts.
Now, Friday we had a half day. “Oh great!” I thought. “I can get so much done!” I thought. “We can really dive into spiders!” I thought.
This was me…

So, this is what our monday will start out with. This is another great poster from our GLAD teachers. Usually the kiddos love it…when it’s not a half day. Lesson learned.
This week we are going to begin our spider writing projects. This is where they will be working on sharing the information they learned in a report with both a topic and conclusion sentence. We are also going to learn about different spiders around the world.

This is another poster from our fabulous GLAD teachers. We talk about different types of spiders and show pictures to the kiddos before putting them on the map. This is also a great activity for learning about the different parts of a map.
Finally, we are going to do a little close with these spider passages. I LOVE them because it allows all the kiddos to access the same info at their independent level. Click here or here to get them:)

Now, let’s end today with a little flashback. Last week, we learned about bats. The kiddos did a little writing prompt about what they would do if they were a bat.

Okay…we spent like 2 weeks on bats. “I would go to the market and be all naked?????” Really???? What part about bats did we learn that involved them being naked? Obviously we don’t quite understand what bats do:)
I hope you all have a wonderful week:)
This is a older post but I had a question about your inquiry charts. When you do misconceptions, what exactly do you do? I've only done what you know and what you want to learn. I'm very curious on how you use the misconceptions part in your classroom! Would you email me at and let me know? 😀
Just sent you the info:)