Did you know that there is JUST ONE WORD that will transform
your teaching and cause you to have an even better year ahead? There is!
Yes it’s that simple!
your teaching and cause you to have an even better year ahead? There is!
Yes it’s that simple!
You see, as teachers we live a scattered life. We are always scrambling to do the million
things each day that must be done. We
juggle a thousand balls at once and try not to drop any of them, and we don’t
look like that well-practiced ball juggler we see in a circus who does it so
smoothly and effortlessly. Nope! We look
more like someone trying to snatch and catch those balls, and throw others up at
the same time in a jerky, higgledy piggledy way. It’s just a fact of teacher life that we all
things each day that must be done. We
juggle a thousand balls at once and try not to drop any of them, and we don’t
look like that well-practiced ball juggler we see in a circus who does it so
smoothly and effortlessly. Nope! We look
more like someone trying to snatch and catch those balls, and throw others up at
the same time in a jerky, higgledy piggledy way. It’s just a fact of teacher life that we all

Through all of that though, we often become scattered and
actually end up doing many things, but not very well…..just kind of
mediocre….to get them done and checked off the “to do” list. And if we are truthful, sometimes when the
meetings happen almost every day, the reports are all due, the pile of papers
to be taken care of is stacked high, and
the list of parents to contact goes on and on, well….we end up teaching by the
seat of our pants or on autopilot. Needless to say, our lessons then become
mediocre too.
actually end up doing many things, but not very well…..just kind of
mediocre….to get them done and checked off the “to do” list. And if we are truthful, sometimes when the
meetings happen almost every day, the reports are all due, the pile of papers
to be taken care of is stacked high, and
the list of parents to contact goes on and on, well….we end up teaching by the
seat of our pants or on autopilot. Needless to say, our lessons then become
mediocre too.
But JUST ONE WORD can keep you on track, focus you and
focus your lessons, and focus and center all that you do throughout the year, so that you and
your teaching are purposeful instead of scattered. Even in the craziest, and most busy weeks
of the year!
focus your lessons, and focus and center all that you do throughout the year, so that you and
your teaching are purposeful instead of scattered. Even in the craziest, and most busy weeks
of the year!

So get on with it then! Just tell me! What is THIS one word you ask?
I can’t tell you. Nope. Sorry.
It has to actually come from you!
YOU decide the one word. If you
do, that one word will focus and guide all that you do for the entire
year! IT REALLY WORKS! There are even books written on the
effectiveness of just one word, and a whole “movement” on social media! There is even a whole line of wildly popular
pottery that has just one word on it (think Rae Dunn). So, give it a try!
Choose just one word and make it your word for the entire year ahead. You may even want to choose one word for your
teaching life and a different word for your personal life. I tell you…it is transforming!
I can’t tell you. Nope. Sorry.
It has to actually come from you!
YOU decide the one word. If you
do, that one word will focus and guide all that you do for the entire
year! IT REALLY WORKS! There are even books written on the
effectiveness of just one word, and a whole “movement” on social media! There is even a whole line of wildly popular
pottery that has just one word on it (think Rae Dunn). So, give it a try!
Choose just one word and make it your word for the entire year ahead. You may even want to choose one word for your
teaching life and a different word for your personal life. I tell you…it is transforming!

Don’t know what to choose?
Just be still and ponder for a moment….it will come to you like a
lightning bolt, because there is one word that fits you! You might try “engage” for your teaching life if you want your lessons and students to be more engaging and engaged. You might choose “grace” for your personal life if you want to give yourself and others more “grace” in the year ahead. Or the word “balance” is great for both your teaching life and your personal life. If you need some more inspiration, check out the list of possibilities below to get you
thinking. Then post that word
everywhere! Post it in your classroom,
on your computer, in your plan book…and everywhere. It will always be on your mind then and will tie all that you do together for the
entire year.
Just be still and ponder for a moment….it will come to you like a
lightning bolt, because there is one word that fits you! You might try “engage” for your teaching life if you want your lessons and students to be more engaging and engaged. You might choose “grace” for your personal life if you want to give yourself and others more “grace” in the year ahead. Or the word “balance” is great for both your teaching life and your personal life. If you need some more inspiration, check out the list of possibilities below to get you
thinking. Then post that word
everywhere! Post it in your classroom,
on your computer, in your plan book…and everywhere. It will always be on your mind then and will tie all that you do together for the
entire year.

Another idea? You may want to have your
students do this as well. It works
especially well with second graders and up.
In the words of Mikey from that vintage commercial…..”Try it! You’ll like it!” And be sure to watch for #justoneword on our Facebook and Instagram pages, too! You’ll find us there at 2 Literacy Teachers.
students do this as well. It works
especially well with second graders and up.
In the words of Mikey from that vintage commercial…..”Try it! You’ll like it!” And be sure to watch for #justoneword on our Facebook and Instagram pages, too! You’ll find us there at 2 Literacy Teachers.
#just one word idea
list for teaching
list for teaching
#just one word
idea list for you
idea list for you
Happy Teaching!

Remarkable article! I really enjoyed the reading experience. Thanks for taking time to share this with us. Looking forward to learn more from you.
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