Hi teacher friends! Well, we are winding down! Ten more days to go for us. How long do you have? (Don’t tell me if you are done…I’d be too sad! ) Here’s a peek into our week thanks to Doodle Bugs Teaching’s Five For Friday!

Life In Reading Group Land – Episode 1
So P.R.O.U.D!!! This week the firsties independently did their close reading. They didn’t even need me! They just happily read away, annotating as they went. That makes this teacher happy, happy, happy I tell ya!

Life In Reading Group Land – Episode 2
This is one of my favorite books to use for fluency practice. It is perfect for my third graders, and this week we practiced away. Our favorite poem is about the bear sighting. You really have to do some thinking and inferring to get the humor that is going on. They just love it! If you’ve never used this book….or the other versions of it….you should check it out! It’s a goody!

Life In Support Specialist Land
Well…here we go! Our team writes the support schedule for the whole school. We are a big elementary school, so it’s a BIG job. It takes 4 days or more usually, and many, many trips to Starbucks for sustenance! See that empty schedule on the left….it needs to look like that colorful full one on the right. Who writes the schedule at your school? Ready or not….here we go!

On a relative note….
Working with a relative….in this case my daughter Lindsey, the other half of 2 Literacy Teachers…is such a blessing! So what’s a mom to do? Bring treats for the teacher…aka Starbucks… to help her get through these last days…AND Shark Bite treats for the kiddles because they are studying oceans! And the comment on the cup about the shark’s house????? Well…..you just have to look up Stay Outta The Shark’s House!!!! by Veronica-Pooh Nash-Poleate on YouTube! It’ll crack you up! She’s hilarious!

On another relative note….
These boys! Love! This little boy is my grandson who is at his new school registering for…GULP…Kindergarten! Yikes! How did that happen so fast!? And the other handsome guy??? My son. I don’t know if this Grammy is ready for him to be a…gulp…..gulp again….kindergartner! Ack! I have to admit…I’m pretty proud of him though. Ok….I’m pretty biased…but he’s awesome!
Hey…thanks for stopping by. I’m off to see what you all have been up to this week! If you are done….pfft….. so jealous….enjoy your summer. For the rest of you…I feel your pain! Hang in there…we are all almost done!