Happy Friday and hellllooooo weekend! So glad to see you again! Are you as ready for the weekend as I am? I’m betting so! Here’s a little Five For Friday from our corner of the world. Thanks to Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting! This week’s theme? How you can tell Spring is coming!

You can tell Spring is coming when the daffodils start to bloom! Aren’t they so gorgeous? Such a much needed splash of color against our gray, rainy Pacific Northwest skies! And soooo welcome! I just HAD to buy these at the store this week to add some cheer to our house.

You can tell Spring is coming when Dr. Seuss Day arrives! It is such a great day and such a happy way to celebrate reading. This week even my 5th graders read Dr. Seuss books. Now, we read S.E.R.I.O.U.S. stuff in my 5th grade groups. We read about the American Revolution, about world poverty, and about moral dilemmas! My 5th graders take that very seriously and have very serious looks of concentration and thinking on their face usually. But pull out Green Eggs and Ham? Oh my! They had instant smiles on their faces as big as you can imagine! These “too cool for school” 5th grade boys instantly turn into happy kiddos and say….”We LOVE Dr. Seuss books!” It was the happiest moment of my week to see those huge smiles on their faces! Everybody needs to read for fun, too. Right??

You can tell Spring is on the way when the dreaded torturous testing season begins. This past month has been spent on testing the ELL students. Next month begins the SBAC testing for intermediate kiddos. Ugh! My team and I got to help out with the kinders this week and their ELL testing. It was painful to have such young kiddos sitting for so long in front of a computer test, but…..they are sooo adorable! And they try so hard! Love the littles!

You can tell Spring is coming when Lindsey and I are getting things together for the annual Washington Blogger/TPT’er Meetup! We LOVE hosting this every year and have so much fun pulling it together. It is so great to chat with everyone! I hope you have a local meetup that you can go to! If not….fly out here to Washington and join us!

You can tell Spring is coming when……oh wait…this doesn’t really fit the theme, but oh well!
Have you tried Pampered Teacher subscription boxes? Mine came. I love subscription boxes….Ipsy….Birchbox…but I have to say…this one was a disappointment. I only tried it once, so maybe it was just an off month, but for the money the things inside seemed cheap. I think I will try it again and see if it is better next time.
Well that’s all from this week’s adventures here in the PNW. I’m off to read your Five For Friday posts now to see what adventures you all have had this week! Have a wonderful weekend everyone and just remember….Spring is coming soon!