Happy Friday teacher friends! Wasn’t it a wonderful week? A day off in the middle? Yessss please! It would be great to have that every week! Howzabout a little Five For Friday thanks to Doodle Bugs Teaching! Here are five random things that happened in our world this week.

Goodbye froggy! This little guy has been showing up in the garden to say hello to me all of the spring and summer. I thought for sure he was off hibernating these days with our colder weather, but no…he decided to come say hello one more time this weekend. I think he was saying goodbye, too, until the spring. I think I’ve grown attached to the little guy and will miss him.

Thank Dog for our Veteran’s! Veteran’s Day is such a great day to remember our veterans and those who currently serve our country. Ginseng wanted to be sure we also remember all of the dogs who have served alongside our soldiers. She gives them all a “high paw” and salute!

These little goodies came in the mail and I was fairly giddy! Isn’t that the sign of a true teacher? We get all excited over new sticky notes and pencils! THESE are princess pencils though. Notice the crowns on top? I’m sure that MUST mean I’m related to royalty somewhere, somehow, right? (Yeah…not so much! Keep dreamin’ girl!) Sigh! I plan to use my new pencils to write out some notes of encouragement to my teacher friends on these little stationary goodies.

Lame! I feel that since we are from the hometown neighborhood of Starbucks, we have a right to post about them a lot. Normally, we are Starbucks’ number one fans! After all, we absolutely function daily due to our Starbucks. Unfortunately though, we are QUITE disappointed in their red cups this year. Sheesh! They are P.L.A.I.N. red for heaven’s sake! Really Starbucks? Couldn’t you have at least thrown a snowflake or two on them? Harrumph! I think I’m going to have to pull out my little stickers and fix that problem! QUITE disappointed I tell ya!

I suppose we really should throw in something going on at school, right? Well, the truth is it was very peaceful and calm at school this week. Not much going on….Ahhhh….that is very nice! So all that happened was that I finally got around to getting my Level C Guided Reading pack ready to use. Eeek! These are our one of new products that we L.O.V.E., so you would think I would have all the levels organized. Umm…well…er…..no good excuses, but I am ready now at least! Can’t wait to start using this level with one of my groups next week!
Hope you had a more eventful week! I’m off to check your blogs now and see what all you have been up to this week! Have a terrific weekend!
You would think that Stabucks wrote, "We hate Christmas" on those cups! While they are plain, they are seasonal, and their regular cups are nothing to write home about either. Maybe the mermaid lady should have a Santa hat on instead! How do you manage fluency strips in your classroom? I just am not sure how to physically manage them without making copies for EVERY student!
Curriculum and Coffee
Hi Lauren! I would have at least liked to have seen a couple of snowflakes on my Starbucks cup. Harrumph! LOL! 🙂 I only make a small group set of fluency strips. We practice them for a few minutes in guided reading groups. They are also great to go into centers tubs if you have a sight word reading practice center. I know…..there are so many great things to use that it gets tricky to manage them all, right? Hope you have a terrific weekend and a great holiday week ahead! Smiles, Kristin