Hello teacher friends, and a Happy, Happy Friday to you all! Did you have conferences this week? Did you survive? Our teachers did, and by the looks of them…they barely survived! It takes the pep out of ya, that’s for sure! But onward we go…. Howzabout a little Five For Friday? This week’s theme is “Four Little Things and….one Big One!”

Little Thing 1
Since teachers were doing conferences this week, we intervention teachers had a little time to catch up on things when we weren’t joining conferences. That meant there were no excuses left for getting my cutting done. Ugh! I do not like at all so love cutting little things out! (Dusting the window shades is much more fun to me!) But they are done now. What is it that you keep putting off?

Little Thing 2
School photos came in this week. We have an amazingly nice group of people who have taken our school photos for years. They insist on Lindsey and I having a mother-daughter picture taken every year. I’m not a fan of that, as Lindsey is waaayyyyy cuter and much younger…..so she puts me to shame. LOL! We even get this strip of sticker photos! I just haven’t quite figured out what we’re supposed to do with those things. Maybe a future craft project? (Kidding!)

Little Thing 3
October Birthdays! Each month our fantastic social committee puts on a big “do” to celebrate birthdays during the month. October’s celebration is always extra appreciated, because the teachers need extra fuel and energy for conferences! MMMmmmmm….this makes me hungry just looking at it!

Little Thing 4
As intervention teachers, we try to support what the grade levels are doing while working on individual student progress goals at the same time. Second grade has been studying bats, so this week we read all about bats during intervention groups. Here we are doing close reading, and then playing a vocabulary game. These materials are from our Bats Leveled Passages Set if you are interested. It still cracks me up that every single time we take out the highlighters, the kiddles think they have won the lottery! They just love those silly little things and that’s fine by me!

One (New) Big Thing
Well….if you read our blog much at all, you know my husband and I have BIG dogs and lots of them. This week, we adopted another and he is the biggest yet. So now we have 3 HUGE newfies and one normal sized golden/yellow lab mix. Yep, that would be 4! This is Olaf. He is ten months old and weighs 120. He joins Boomer, Rosie and Ginseng. He needed a new home and we just can’t say no to that! Besides, we are already set up for big dogs, so what’s one more, right? They are all hilarious and keep us busy and entertained. And might I just add…..thank goodness for Swiffers and baby wipes…the latter because they like to drool. 🙂
I’m off to read your blogs now to see what you all are up to! Have a terrific weekend and a Happy Halloween!
Your social committee goes all out! I loved the table set up 🙂 your furbabies are way too cute!
Hi there! Yes we have an amazing social committee! Thanks for your comment on the fuzzybums! We love them!
I love your school pictures!!! I also love your big dogs! I have a bulldog but his best friend was a St Bernard!
Reading in Room 11
Ahhhh…..bernies! We love them too! My husband had one years ago that stole his heart forever! 🙂 Thanks for connecting with us! Smiles, Kristin
Love your School photos – trust me, they look great! You should see what we have to put up with from our photographer! LOL! Love your new dog – Olaf, adorable! All your dogs look so sweet and innocent!
Teaching Autism
Hi there! Don't let their innocent looks fool you! They get into plenty of trouble (can we say 8 remote controls, 3 pillows, and umpteen loaves of bread…)! Smiles, Kristin
Olaf is a blessed dog! Your doggy family is adorable and massive! We have only cats which are easier but not as sweet and eager to please! I keep putting off grading writing prompts. This weekend is the weekend, though. Your school photo is great, and someday your grandchildren are going to be so happy to have them. I always hate my picture, but my kids want copies. Have a great weekend.
Laughter and Consistency
Hi Jan! Thanks for connecting with us! We have one cat and we have no idea why she is so patient with the very large fuzzybums! Ahhhh…writing prompts! I feel your pain on that one! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hi! Smiles, Kristin