March Currently!

Happy Sunday everyone! We are linking up with Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade for one of the best linky parties around! Click here to link up!

I am the type of person who NEEDS background noise. I CANNOT focus when it is quiet. So when I am working on stuff I usually have the TV on or music playing. Today’s choice is American Pickers. I LOVE this show! If I was brave enough, I would love to go hunting for treasures like Mike and Frank. Rats and mice and all those of the rodent kind freak me out. Cross their job off the list!

Let me tell you…our weather lately has been AMAZING! We have had a TON of beautiful days and while it’s not super warm, it is warm enough. Sunshine can do wonders for your mood! Plus, the kiddos seem to be in a better mood too!

Tomorrow is the day! We are having a TON of stuff happening tomorrow that I need to get ready for. Special snack, reading logs, stop, drop and read…The kiddos will LOVE it! Click on the picture above, or here, to get our Dr. Seuss biography freebie!!

I am in a music funk! I don’t listen to the radio because I really don’t like commercials. So mostly I listen to Pandora or my iTunes. I am in need of some new songs! I mostly listen to a little of everything so I need to get on iTunes and find some new jams. Any suggestions????

Ha!! This is me. I have a huge stack of laundry to do but I don’t fold it. That’s the hubs job for sure! It amazes me how much laundry two small kiddos can produce! I better get on it because my time is slowly dwindling…

I CANNOT WAIT for spring break. I have no plans. BUT my hubs took the WHOLE week off and my daughter has the same spring break as me so we will get to have a whole week of family time. I am thinking zoo, aquarium and children’s museum for sure. I am so excited to get to hang out with my people!!!!

I hope that you all have a wonderful, fun filled, Dr. Seuss day tomorrow!!!


  1. Miss B.
    March 2, 2015 / 12:35 am

    This Seattle weather really is lovely, isn't it?!? 🙂 Coming from the Midwest, I do consider this "super warm" winter weather! Have a wonderful week!

    Real Teachers Learn

  2. oh' boy
    March 2, 2015 / 12:42 am

    oh thanks so much for the compliment… blushing… and thanks so very much for linking up…
    I hate doing the laundry… it is just an endless cycle… n.e.v.e.r…e.n.d.i.n.g

  3. Unknown
    March 2, 2015 / 12:52 am

    Can't stand folding clothes. I think I would rather scrub toilets. hehe Glad you are having nice weather. Yesterday was a nasty day here in South Florida. It rained ALL. DAY. LONG. Some points it looked tike a hurricane was happening outside my window. today was nice – though I will be honest – I have no idea what the temperature was. Definitely warm enough for shorts and a tank top though! Enjoy your spring break with your family!

    Christina 🙂
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  4. Not JANE
    March 2, 2015 / 1:19 am

    I have considered paying someone else to do my laundry! lol 🙂 It is the folding that drives me bananas. I usually hang up everything (shirts, pants, jeans) to minimize the folding!

  5. Cassandra
    March 2, 2015 / 1:21 am

    I am so lucky! My husband does all of our laundry! He doesn't put it away though, so I not only have to put mine away, but I put the kids laundry away too! I am already teaching my three year old how to put away his own laundry though! So exciting that you get to spend the whole week with your family for Spring Break! Enjoy every moment!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  6. A Sunny Day in First Grade
    March 2, 2015 / 10:12 pm

    I wish I was enjoying the weather like you!!! It's snowy and cold here!
    Enjoy your spring break! 🙂

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  7. Miss Trayers
    March 3, 2015 / 2:14 pm

    Love that laundry pic! 🙂 Yes, that's the worst part. I love the creativity people have in finding all those treasures and turning them into fabulous things-but I just don't have the attention span. Your family Spring Break sounds very fun.

    Not Just Child's Play

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