Tuesday’s Tip

Happy Tuesday, Teacher Friends!  How’s your week going?  We here in the Seattle area are counting down to the Super Bowl, and the excitement builds by the day.  So much fun!

Here’s today’s Tuesday’s Tip!

A little background….At our school, we use the Fry High Frequency Word Lists to teach our students sight words.  Although students are expected to master certain lists at each grade level, each student also works through the ten lists at their own pace.  Most students work on a list of five words that they do not yet know, each week.  They are usually tested on Friday.  As the week goes along, we work each day in small group on each of the student’s words.  But of course, no student is the same and there are some who have a difficult time learning unless they practice at home, too.  When I was teaching first grade, this was the case.  So, I came up with these necklaces to send home on the kiddles who were having trouble learning their words.  They have a note to parents asking them to help their child learn those words by Friday. (In Spanish and English.) We know, parents really do want to help their child, but often don’t know how.  These little necklaces do the trick!  Parents know exactly what to help their child with.  And it really worked like magic.

Now, I use these with my intervention groups for those students who just need some extra help with the one or two words that are just not sticking. They work best for kindergarten or first grade.  But, what about the older kiddles?  I use bracelets!  They aren’t “babyish” and the kids love them.   Usually I make them out of strips of colorful paper which I write the word(s) on and tape around their wrist.  But look at these nifty things!  Found them at the dollar store!  They say “Remember,” have a nice white spot to write words, A.N.D. have a peel off sticky spot to get the ends to stick!  Just love that dollar store! The best part of the necklace and the bracelet?  Every child learns his or her sight words by Friday!  It just makes one more thing they have to learn, a lot easier!  Give it a try!  I think you’ll like it.

Hope you have a great rest of the week!  And…..GO HAWKS!!!

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