Hey everyone, Lindsey here. I am popping on the blog tonight to tell you a little about our week. Since we had Monday off you would THINK that the week would go by fast. NOT TRUE. It dragged on FOREVER. But, we did get a lot done so it wasn’t a total loss.
First up, math….I do not like math.
I take that back. Normally I like math. I love when the kiddos click and finally get it and all that jazz. Here’s the thing. We are working on double digit subtraction. Specifically, subtracting a two digit number from a three digit number. Nope. No thanks. I HATE it. The kiddos get the two digit and then we add the three digit and NOPE. They are DONE….beating my head against the wall. So, that’s all I’m going to share about math.
Moving on to better things…
I love to teach about Martin Luther King Jr. I love history in general and I am a firm believer that if we don’t educate our kiddos history could repeat itself. I also love that MLK day is always around the same time that the kiddos could use some reminders about being kind to each other. It goes hand in hand pretty well.

We have some AWESOME GLAD teachers at our school and in our district for that matter. They provided us with this AWESOME Dr. King chart and the kiddos LOVE it. Especially the photographs. Anything with photographs really gets them jazzed and I am all about that jazz:) So, I can’t take credit for this awesome poster because I just copied what they put together.

We also watched this Brainpop Jr. video. FYI- I LOVE Brainpop Jr. They have the best videos and it always seems like they have the exact video I need! (including the dreaded subtraction with regrouping).

In groups we also focused on MLK with our passages, which you can get HERE. The kiddos LOVE to highlight and they also love the vocabulary and sight word game…engaging! They can now successfully read words like peace, freedom, equality, etc. This will come in handy for next week:)
Now, with all this Martin Luther King Jr. studying we are also looking at biographies. We are moving into Black History Month this week. Even though it doesn’t start until February we add it to our Martin Luther King studies and just extend the whole unit through the first week of February. So it is the perfect time to learn about biographies because of all the people we will be studying.

My kiddo’s ate biographies up! We had library the same day I introduced them and they all checked out biographies. Which meant that my week was filled with random facts about different people. Whatever gets them reading!
We ended our week with a little writing project craft. This was a Pinterest project. I am not a very creative person when it comes to thinking up crafts. So I really appreciate whoever came up with this project and put it on Pinterest. YOU are AWESOME! Whoever you are:) The writing paper for the inside of this project is a freebie from Latoya Reed at Flying Into First Grade. Click on the picture to get it or click HERE. Make sure you leave her some feedback:)
Now…FREEBIE time!!
We have our Freedom’s Heroes passage pack which has leveled A – I passages on Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges and Rosa Parks, which you can get by clicking HERE or HERE. BUT, I teach second grade and for us, a level I is now below grade level. So, my fabulous mom, the other half to 2 Literacy Teachers, created a J/K level passage for me:) I know you’re jealous because your mom didn’t do that for you. But…GOOD NEWS! We are going to give you the J/K Ruby AND Rosa passage for FREE! We also included the assessment page I used with my kiddos for RI 2.3 and RI 2.9. YAY!!