Fall! Fall! Fall! Oh joyous Fall! It’s such a great season! I just love it! Hey everyone! Kristin here! We’re hooking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for a Five For Friday post! I thought it would be nice to share Five Fall Faves for Five For Friday! Ha! How’s that for some Fine alliterarion?
So here are my Five Fall Faves!

Let’s start with my number one Fall Fave for this week…..something a little “whackadoodle!” This boy is one of three fabulous grand babies…all my faves!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this boy! This is Lindsey’s son! Clearly he got our family’s wacky sense of humor because he is really INto carving pumpkins….literally! He loves standing IN the pumpkin. And oh by the way…if you get hungry…you just reach in, scoop some raw pumpkin and eat it! Yep…he really did! Silly boy!

My number two Fall Fave…….
Little Mister may like his pumpkin fresh and raw but I prefer mine with added sugar…preferably in a deeeeelishus baked treat! Thankfully we have the most awesome staff at school and they make the most amazing treats! Just look at this spread, and this is only part of it, that we were treated to in the staff lounge today! OH MY WORD! I’m gonna look like a pumpkin if I keep eating these delicious treats!

My number three Fall Fave…..
Speaking of our awesome staff….did I tell you that they are F.A.N.C.Y.????? No sir-reeeee! Plain old carved pumpkins will NOT do for our F.A.N.C.Y. staff! Just LOOK at these fancy, bling-bling pumpkins that some of our talented staff made! Oooooo…..ahhhhhh….those are some faaaaannnnncy pumpkins! Hmmm….Fancy Pumpkins….would make a good title for a children’s book, no? Focus Kristin..focus….

My number four Fall Fave….
Ooooo…lookie lookie! These beauties cause me more twisted ankles and crooks in my neck when I race outside to see them, than even my crazy dogs do yanking me down the street when I take them on a walk! THESE are Snow Geese! Aren’t they beee-yu-teeful? Well, okay…you can’t tell by my photo ’cause clearly I am not a photographer, but just use your imagination. Well…..it helps if you squint….and turn your head a little to the left…and…well…just take my word for it! They are beautiful and white and make the most wonderful honking song as they fly over. These babies fly all the way from Russia every Fall and hang out in the nearby farmer’s fields until Spring. (And you think you are tired after a long flight! Whew baby!) It is just not Fall and Winter without them! (Can you tell we aren’t a hunting family?)

My number Five Fall Fave….
THESE leveled passages! Today we are gearing up for November, so we are prepping our Thanksgiving themed passages for use in our classroom/reading groups for the next couple of weeks.
After years and years of watching so many children struggle with learning, Lindsey and I have such a passion for making all learning accessible to all children all the time! That’s why we are making leveled passages that are all about the topics we teach every year! Now, all of your readers can read on the same topic and learn the same vocabulary! It makes teaching for you and learning for kiddos, so much easier! These passages are GREAT for teaching close reading, determining important versus unimportant information, finding details, finding evidence for answers to questions, making mental images, learning new vocabulary, practicing sight words….the list is endless! That’s why we love them and we are sure you will love them too! If you’d like to have them, you can come to my class and borrow my notebook full of them…or….you can click on the pictures!
Hope your Fall is Filled with Fabulously Fine Fall Faves like mine! (Okay Lindsey…quit rolling your eyes at your mama’s alliteration! Ha!) Happy Fall Everyone!
Love the pumpkins your staff made. This week our fifth graders brought in pumpkins decorated as book characters! They were so creative! Have a great weekend!
Teachers Are Terrific!
Hi Carol! That's a great idea to make the pumpkins as book characters! Bet they were wonderful! Love your blog by the way! Smiles, Kristin
Wow! I love those glitter pumpkins!!
🙂 Shelley
The Write Stuff Teaching
Hi Shelley! I think some of our staff may have secret desires to be Cinderella! They did make some pumpkins worthy of being her carriage! Thanks for connecting with us! I'm off to check out your site right now. Have a great weekend! Smiles, Kristin