Teaching With an Animals in Winter Theme – Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE!

Teaching With an Animals in Winter Theme – Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE!
Hello Friends!! Can you believe that it is almost February??? It always amazes me how quickly the year goes after winter break! We have been working on a series of blog posts that provides you… View Post

Teaching with a Seal Theme – Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a Freebie!

Teaching with a Seal Theme – Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a Freebie!
Hi friends! Today, we wanted to share with you some ideas that will, hopefully, help you when designing and delivering differentiated instruction. We have been writing this series of posts for the last few Sunday’s… View Post

Teaching Reading with a Owl Theme- Differentiated, Leveled Instruction with a FREEBIE!

Teaching Reading with a Owl Theme- Differentiated, Leveled Instruction with a FREEBIE!
Hey friends! We have been working on a series of blog posts that focuses on providing ideas that will help you teach differentiated and leveled instruction to your students. We also make sure to include… View Post

Teaching Reading with a Polar Bear Theme – Differentiated, and Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE

Teaching Reading with a Polar Bear Theme – Differentiated, and Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE
Hi everyone!  We are in the middle of a blogpost series in which we are sharing coordinated, differentiated, and leveled reading resources for themes you may be teaching this season.  This time, we are sharing… View Post

Teaching Reading with a Penguin Theme – Coordinated, Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE

Teaching Reading with a Penguin Theme – Coordinated, Differentiated, Leveled Instruction and a FREEBIE
  Hi teacher friends! Differentiating reading instruction and practice is so important, isn’t it?  When you sit down to plan a new themed unit, don’t you wish someone would suggest a great instructional readaloud or… View Post