Happy Friday friends! It has been a long week and I am so glad that it is the weekend! Can I get an amen?!?! We are linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for a little Five for Friday fun!

We found out that Epic has videos! So naturally, we had to show them at literature circle. They were so excited! The videos would tell them facts and they wouldn’t believe it. So, they started trying to find books to see if they could prove the fact was wrong. You gotta love that!

We brought back an oldie but a goodie! The kiddos are practicing writing word names for numbers. They are playing hangman to do this. Boy, that spelling sure comes in handy when you are playing this game! That’s why I let them use the word name chart in their workbook. This is, by far, their favorite game!

We got brand new Surface Pro 4’s today! Woohoo!! The only bummer is I have to put in a work order to get all my fonts installed. That’s probably going to take awhile. Luckily, they aren’t taking our old desktops away yet, so I can use the fonts on it. We are supposed to get new docking stations with 22 inch screens! What?!?! No more squinting! Yay!

We started our ocean unit this week. We decorated our whole pod as the ocean! We even had Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid playing as the kiddos came in. It was awesome! I wish we could capture the whole essence of the pod but there is just so much to show. I work with awesome teachers! I have an awesome team AND the Title/LAP teacher that works in our pod saw what we were doing and she decided to do her door too!! That’s how awesome the teachers I work with are! Plus, one of my teammates headed dow to Oregon where she found hats that MATCHED our doors!!! WHAT?!?! We were pretty excited about it!! Have I told you how much I LOVE my team?!?!

After all that school stuff, I had to throw in a personal one. We are gearing up for our recital. This year the girls are doing a jazz dance to Uptown Girl. It’s super cute! Then, of course, my son had to jump in on the jazz pose:)
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! Summer is quickly approaching friends! You can do it!!
The ocean decor is beautiful! Love the whale with the open mouth! Enjoy your weekend!