Happy Friday friends!! We are linking up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Five for Friday fun!!

Did you know this is me????? One of my kiddos made this for me. She said that she wanted me to be sparkly. She also attached paper hair to the back! I love this creativity!! Tin foil me is now prominently displayed on my desk:)

The next day I got this note on my desk:) I LOVE the honesty in these kiddos! I LOVE it!! I mean, I would rather have her have a lot of favorite teachers than just one!! At least we know her first grade teacher had a big impact on her!

We finally started our vocabulary notebooks this week. I love to watch them think about what their words mean. I also love to see how they decide to illustrate them. Duck on a Bick…with the “bick” on the ducks head!! Love it!

I finally finished my Fall DRA’s this week! OUCH! Those are some low percentages! It’s okay though…I LOVE this group and I know we can make progress! We don’t have to spend a lot of time on behaviors this year so hopefully we can be super focused and get rockin’ on our reading:)

We’ve been working on topic sentences, which you can read more about HERE. Today, we read Awesome Amphibians and kept working on writing our own topic sentences. Boy, it’s a lot of work but we have been motivated by little things, like making posters…

I hope that you are having a wonderful week and that you have an even better, restful weekend!
Make it a great one!
I love that bike on top of the ducks head LOL 🙂 I love student illustrations!!
They are definitely my favorite too!!
I too have a good bunch this year 🙂 it's so great to focus more on academics rather than procedures and rules! I love the tin you haha too cute!
I am counting my blessings and trying to enjoy this year as much as I can!!!
It's amazing how excited they can get about making a poster!
It's the little things:) Whatever motivates them!!
Love the tin foil you Lindsey… looks just like you ha ha! Don't worry about those percentages. They always improve drastically by February. Remember to worry if they aren't close to where they need to be then. Happy Friday!
Joya 🙂
Alicia told me it looks like a voodoo doll but I love it! You should see my group this year!!! I will take low scores if this is the group I get! They are amazing! Miss you!!! Come home now:)
My daughter used to make tinfoil people and they'd get discovered all around the house. You must ne very special to that little one!
I thought it was so creative!! I just love it!
Love finding other literacy blogs! I also love the assessments you shared. Sure gives you great information for future lessons. Have a great weekend!
Yay!! Thank you!