Hey there! Hope you’re weekend was looonng and relaxing. It’s going to be hard for us to go back to school tomorrow because we have been basking in 60+ degree weather here in the Pacific Northwest! That’s a very rare thing for us in February, but we’ll take it!
So do you have kiddos that despite your best efforts, get stuck at a guided reading/DRA level? There are a few students in my groups who are having that issue. Here’s what works for me. This week I will be using our President’s Day passages with those kiddos in a little different way than we usually do. This group of kiddos is stuck at guided reading level E (DRA 8). We are going to “close read” the same passage on George Washington starting with level C (DRA 3-4) on Wednesday, level D/E (DRA6/8) on Thursday and Friday, and then move on to level F (DRA10) on Monday and Tuesday. Then we will switch to the Abraham Lincoln passage level F (DRA 10) to check them with a running record. I anticipate this “reading up” process will help them over the hump from 8 to 10, but if they still aren’t moving on, we will repeat the process with the Abraham Lincoln passage, starting at the lower level and reading up to level F (DRA 10). I have used this process in the past with great success and can’t wait to use it again to help these kiddos over the hump. It usually only takes one or two cycles through the process and the kiddos get unstuck. If you have kiddos who aren’t moving, give it a try. I think you’ll find success with it too! Now I’m off to finish getting these passages ready for tomorrow so I can enjoy the last few hours of this lovely, long President’s Day break. And if you need some easy to use and theme based reading for your groups this week, you can grab our President’s Day Passages (and many others) here! Happy Teaching everyone!