Hey there teacher friends! Thanks to Doodle Bugs Teaching, we are here with another Five For Friday! And a much needed Friday it is, right? (Aren’t they all!) What a week!

The Seahawks lost….sniffle, sniffle! But they have such a positive attitude! What a lesson for us all! Just love those guys! (Photo Credit: Bethany Christian Assembly)

How did I spend my week? “Look at the picture. Tell me about the picture.” “Look at the picture. Tell me about the picture.” “Look at the picture. Tell me about the picture.” “Look at the…….” well…you get the idea! Yep, it is ELL testing time again. I can’t show you the actual test because it is TOP SECRET! Well, I could show you, but then I’d have to……well…..you know how that goes! The tests are right up there with state secrets I guess.

These babies are out at the stores! Glory Hallelujah! I may or may not have eaten this whole box while testing this week! I confess to nothing! Yummy. NO, that is not chocolate on my cheek! Well…maybe just a little.

Hip, hip, hooray! WE CAN’T WAIT FOR THE TPT CONFERENCE!!! Did you go last year? It was the best! We are going again this year and are busy booking our tickets now! We hope to meet lots of you there! Look for us if you go, won’t you?

Our new passage sets are ready! We just posted our President’s Day set and our dental health set called, Stay Away Cavities! You can grab them here. And by Sunday night, our Valentine’s Day set will be posted. Here’s a sneak peek of it, too!

Have a great weekend everybody!